Seeing a General Practitioner When It Matters Most

by | Jan 4, 2016 | Health

Some years ago American Family Physicians in Wichita Kansas began a campaign to publicize the profession. The campaign was very successful because two fundamental ideas were conveyed. For one, the message that family physicians work with people during their crisis, suffering, fears, and expectations, using their surroundings, family, work and social conditions. The focus of a family practice is the patient. A real family doctor ensures the noblest tradition of family medicine: “cure sometimes, relieves often, and comfort always.”

On the other hand, the phrase framing the campaign emphasized that family medicine is a specialty. Indeed, in most developed countries this discipline is seen as a specialty, such as cardiology or surgery can be. In the U.S., after six years of medical school, doctors take additional courses for a few more years. It is a relatively young specialty since it was created in 1978; but in these thirty-seven years, it has achieved a high degree of development, so that family medicine has become an international benchmark.

Within the professional profile of Family Physicians in Wichita Kansas, one of its main responsibilities is to address the health problems of their patients, whether acute or chronic, normal or urgent, both in the office and at home. Also, before more serious issues arise and when appropriate, the family doctor should coordinate with other specialists. The family physician should have solid scientific and technical training that provides the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for proper diagnosis and treatment in each case.

But above all, the family doctor should have a biopsychosocial approach of health and disease processes. One of the peculiarities of a physician that best distinguishes one from the rest of his or her colleagues is that they cater to the patient throughout his or her life. Another characteristic of a GP is that they not only cater to the sick but also address health promotion and disease prevention. Health education is not only at the individual level but also at the community level (schools, work, etc.). In short, a family physician is a specialist who has a vast scientific background. One can visit the website to learn more.

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