Factors to Considering When Investigating Ultrasound Machines

by | Sep 24, 2021 | Medical Equipment

When selecting a used ultrasound machine, the most critical factor will be what you will be using the device for. There are many systems available, and each one has its own unique features. Here are five models and some brands to consider.


Engineers made this style to move. These ultrasound devices are compact, lightweight, and portable. Some common situations where you might find a POC device are at an emergency or trauma scene. These are sturdy and configured to withstand lots of movement.


Vascular ultrasound machines can also be portable, and now, manufacturers offer 4D models. The device quickly displays heart, artery, and valve complications.


Urologists utilize ultrasounds to detect anomalies in dense and sensitive tissues, and because of that, they are designed for comfort and performance. Urology-specific machines can come with calculation packs.


When it comes to OB/GYN, the ultrasound is one of the most vital tools. Machines can now deliver top-grade 4D images that are striking and revealing. The clarity and accuracy of the picture will assist the team with fetal progress.


There are many quality brands to discover from recognizable names, such as Samsung and GE, to established developers in the field. Sonosite uses its own patented technology, and Acuson is part of the Siemens family.

Price is almost always factored into the final decision, but support and accessories should be evaluated as well. In many cases, a resale company might offer a warranty. Another add-on might be a maintenance or repair plan. For more tips on selecting a used ultrasound machine, contact Ultra Select Medical

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