What You Need to Know About Getting a Breast Augmentation in Palatine

by | Oct 19, 2021 | Health

Weight loss, pregnancy, and aging can drastically change the look and shape of your body. While this may not bother some women, it can take a toll on the confidence and body positivity of others. A popular surgery that women invest in to look and feel better is Breast Augmentation In Palatine. Breast augmentation changes the size and/or shape of the breasts with cosmetic enhancements.

Goals of a Breast Augmentation Procedure

For patients who want fuller or perkier breasts, an augmentation procedure can achieve these goals. This, in turn, gives patients a more youthful appearance. A breast augmentation can also help make breasts even in size and shape. Overall, these physical changes can give patients the confidence they once had.

Desired Outcome

There are a few different ways a breast augmentation can be modified to achieve a specific outcome to meet patient goals. Placement of a breast implant above or below the chest muscle is a common decision that patients must make. Placement above the muscle can provide some lift, while placement below the muscle can reduce rippling. Of course, the decision of what type of implant to get is typical, too.

Advantages of a Breast Augmentation

One of the most obvious benefits of having a breast augmentation in Palatine is that it can improve a woman’s self-confidence and image. The procedure is also quite affordable and requires minimal downtime. Incision placement also minimizes scarring, which many women appreciate. Getting a breast augmentation can be life-changing for a patient. We would love to schedule a consultation for you at Ashpole Plastic Surgery, Contact us today.

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