A midwife is a professional who has been trained to provide care to a woman during pregnancy and delivery. If you are pregnant or planning to conceive, then you should consult with a midwife. There are several reasons that you should use midwifery services in Marin County.
Preconception Care
You don’t have to wait until you are pregnant to use midwifery services in Marin County. Midwives offer pre-conception care. If you take care of yourself before you get pregnant, then you will be more likely to have a healthy pregnancy. That is why it is important to find a midwife near you before you conceive.
Healthy Pregnancy And Delivery
Your midwife is committed to helping you have a healthy pregnancy and safe delivery. Studies have shown that low-risk women who use a midwife are less likely to have complications. Midwives prevent women from having unnecessary medical interventions. This decreases the need for a C-section. It also decreases the risk of tearing.
Furthermore, a midwife can teach you how to manage your pain without an epidural. Mothers who use midwives are more satisfied with their care.
Follow-Up Care
You can continue to use midwifery services in Marin County after you have given birth. Your midwife will make sure that you are healing properly. They can also help you with breastfeeding. Additionally, they can provide newborn care. They can make sure that your newborn is healthy and give tips to help you care for them.
If you want to find a midwife near you, then you can contact Rising Tide Birth-Shelton Livingston LM, CPM at website.