Amazing Anti-Aging Treatments in West Chester PA Sourced from Natural Elements

by | Oct 10, 2016 | Health

New developments for Anti-Aging Treatments in West Chester PA use scientifically proven techniques to decelerate the natural changes that contribute to physical signs of aging. One age-defying treatment that has astounding results is CO2 skin resurfacing. The scientific evidence behind this is the lasers infused with carbon dioxide. CO2 has an innate ability to smooth out wrinkles. Laser skin resurfacing has always produced results for removing wrinkles. Doing it with CO2 vapor enhances the effects immensely. Laser resurfacing is so successful because it helps the skin produce its own collagen. Collagen is a protein found in connective tissue and is present under the skin. Wrinkles form with a low supply of collagen. The laser light energy bores microscopic holes in the skin, which in turn triggers a response in the skin to produce collagen.

Antioxidants have so many health benefits for the body and skin. It’s a molecule that is found in a wide range of plants and foods eaten everyday. It destroys free radicals that enter the body and seep in through the pores of the skin. Free radicals are volatile molecules that come about through pollution and sun exposure. Free radicals drain the skin of collagen too. Topically applied antioxidants for Anti Aging Treatments in West Chester PA offsets the effects of free radicals. Antioxidants disable free radicals before they can hinder collagen production. Recent studies revealed that coffee berry is the most potent antioxidant yet. The BeBalanced Center includes derivatives from coffee berry in antioxidant skin renewing treatment.

A peptide is an amino acid compound that is another stimulus for collagen production. Hard working researchers found scientific evidence that certain types of peptides applied to the skin produces results compared to botox. Skin cell renewal happens more prolifically with the assistance of peptide compounds. Fast paced skin cell renewal occurs in the younger skin, so peptides sustain the skin’s ability to renew cells to that caliber. Derivatives from vitamin A reduce signs of aging. Retinol comes from vitamin A and not only increases the production of collagen but inhibits the break down of collagen. Topical retinol treatment has lasting effects since it helps the skin retain collagen for longer periods of time. Please click here to learn more.

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