FUT Hair Transplants in Connecticut for Male Pattern Hair Loss

by | Sep 2, 2020 | Hair Restoration

Male pattern hair loss, medically known as androgenetic alopecia, is a very common genetic condition. Nevertheless, many men are distressed about losing their hair. A hair transplant in Connecticut allows these individuals to restore their hair and feel like themselves again.

About Androgenetic Alopecia
Androgenetic alopecia occurs when follicles are overly sensitive to dihydrotestosterone, a very common androgen or “male” hormone. This hormone slowly destroys the follicles. Because the most vulnerable follicles are in front and on top of the head, this is where men typically experience hair thinning. They will continue to have thick growth in back and on the sides of the scalp – commonly known as the “donor” area.

Follicular Unit Transplantation
Men who lose self-confidence because of androgenic alopecia may be interested in a hair transplant in Connecticut. The most recommended procedure is follicular unit transplantation or FUT. This method involves harvesting a small sliver or “strip” of hair follicles from the donor area, microscopically dissecting these follicles under microscopes, and transplanting them to the bald and thinning areas. The surgeon may move thousands of follicles during one appointment using the FUT technique.

Time Frame
Healing takes place quickly within a few days. New growth can be seen within a few months. After 6 months, patients begin to experience a renewed appearance – which continues improving even 12 to 18 months after surgery.

Artistic Surgery
Surgeons who perform hair transplants are considered artists in a sense. Their work must re-create a nature so that the results are completely undetectable. Men suffering from androgenic alopecia who may be interested in this procedure should contact Feller & Bloxham Medical by visiting web.

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