Companies that utilize Drug Testing in Cincinnati OH can help to foster a more productive work environment in which employees will look forward to going to work. Finding a healthcare center that can provide quality testing will help maintain the highest level of productivity and safety for both employers and employees alike.
Employers Can be Proactive
By using Drug Testing in Cincinnati OH employers can thoroughly vet prospective employees for any sign of illicit drug use as well as deter current employees from engaging in such conduct. Testing can mitigate the need for substance abuse recovery programs and also help to keep health insurance costs lower. Perhaps the most important reason, though, is that it allows for a safer workplace with fewer accidents.
Different Forms of Drug Testing
Besides pre-employment drug screening or random drug testing, there are other forms that are commonly used. These may include post-accident drug testing to ensure that drug use was not the cause of the accident. There is also ‘return to duty’ testing which will take place after an employee who has had to enter a rehabilitation facility wishes to return to work. There is also follow-up testing which is carried out with employees who were previously suspended for drug use.
Find The Right Facility
When employers need to have drug testing carried out, they have to find a center that provides a wide scope of drug screening options that allows them to combine and customize their program to meet their specific needs. The facility should certainly have a state of the art laboratory to ensure a quick turnaround on the results.
Deal With a Full-Service Facility
If an employer needs to find a provider for drug-testing, it can behoove them to deal with a full-service medical facility. Finding a center that can provide full physical exams and accepts most major insurances plans can be a relief for employers and employees alike. Log onto for an example of a facility that is a certified Bureau of Working Conditions (BWC) provider as well as being certified by the Department of Transportation to administer tests. Their goal is to get employees to return to work, but only when the employee is totally healthy. You can also visit them on Google My Business.