Many men live with conditions that interfere with the ability to enjoy intimacy. For some, oral medication is sufficient to allow them the opportunity to perform and overcome those complications. Another potential solution is to talk to a medical professional about a treatment known as the P Shot For Men in Birmingham MI. Here are some ideas of what to expect if this form of treatment is chosen.
Improved Firmness
For men with chronic conditions like diabetes, attaining a level of firmness necessary for intercourse is not always easy. Since oral medications may or may not be enough, adding a P Shot For Men in Birmingham MI to the mix may be exactly what is needed. The procedure does involve administering two shots in specific locations on the male organ and typically involves no more discomfort than receiving a flu shot.
What many men report is that within a short amount of time, it is possible to enjoy a higher level of firmness when aroused. For the man and the partner, this will come as a welcome change.
Increases in Length and Girth
Some men have reported modest gains in length and girth as the result of the procedure. Typically the girth appears first and may even decrease slightly in the days immediately following. Even so, a significant amount of the additional girth does remain. Over the next few weeks, the patient may also notice a small increase in length.
Heightened Sensation
For men who have lost some degree of sensation due to a health issue, the P Shot can often restore some of that lost feeling. As a result, intercourse is more pleasurable, something that often leads to making the experience more enjoyable for both parties.
Increase Stamina
When the plan is to enjoy an evening at home, no one wants the intimacy to be over and done within ten minutes. Many men who have undergone this treatment find that they are able to last longer than before. This factor also helps to increase the level of pleasure that is given and received.
For men who would like to explore this medical procedure in more detail, visit our website and arrange to speak with a professional. After a review of the patient’s medical history and a physician exam, it will be possible to determine if this approach has a good chance of providing the desired results. You can also visit them on Facebook for more information.