Reviewing Emergency Pet Services In Rancho Bernardo

by | Mar 13, 2018 | Veterinarian

In California, emergencies arise during and after business hours. For this reason, vets and animal clinics provide after-hours contact information for pet owners. The emergencies are managed quickly and include lifesaving measures when necessary. A local animal hospital offers Emergency Pet Services in Rancho Bernardo for all pet owners.

Sudden Loss of Consciousness

A sudden loss of consciousness is related to a multitude of conditions. During the summer, it is possible for furbabies to become too hot quickly. If the pet doesn’t have access to shade or adequate water, he or she could succumb to a heat stroke. The vet assesses the pet to determine if he or she is dehydrated or shows any signs of a heat stroke.

Assessment for Seizures

Seizures are signs of neurological conditions, as well as, diabetes. If the pet has diabetes, he or she requires daily medication to control their glucose levels. The vet provides medication and advice about the pet’s diet. He or she shows the pet owner how to administer medication for diabetes or seizures to keep the pet healthy. Some pets need to stay at the animal hospital for observation.

Rapid Breathing and Changes in the Pet’s Pulse

Heart conditions and high blood pressure affect the pet’s pulse rate and breathing. Respiratory conditions are also to blame for the sudden changes. For cats, the signs are indicators of severe conditions such as Feline Herpes Virus. Fast treatment during the earlier sign of the condition lower the risk of mortality. Eye ulcers are signs of a more advanced stage of the condition.

Higher Than Average Fevers

A normal temperature for dogs and cats is around 101 degrees. Temperatures that are higher than this rate indicate that the pet is ill. Fevers are indicators for colds, flu, and infections. The vet conducts blood tests and physical exams to diagnose the pet’s condition.

In California, emergencies range from accidents involving automobiles to animal attacks. Pets who show sudden signs of a life-threatening illness also require fast medical services. A local vet offers emergency care for all pets on a 24-hour basis. Pet owners who need to acquire Emergency Pet Services in Rancho Bernardo for their pets visit website for more info right now.

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