Pain is usually from nerve irritation. With a combination of Rehabilitation Therapy in Lexington, KY and chiropractic care, an individual can dramatically reduce the pain and muscle spasms they are experiencing. The longer someone delays treatment for an irritated nerve and muscle spasms, the weaker a muscle will become. Rehabilitation therapy is more than heat applications and a chiropractic adjustment. Rehabilitation therapy combines massage therapy, physical therapy, and exercise for the best outcome possible. After a comprehensive diagnostic exam and consultation, the doctor will determine the location and cause of the pain. The therapy will work with the body’s natural healing process and normal functioning to promote a healing.
Electrical muscle stimulation may sound frightening to some, but this type of treatment delivers very low levels of impulses to the painful area. It can help to reduce pain and shorten the time for healing. An individual may feel a tingling sensation during this process, but it will not hurt. Endorphins are released from the body and will help to eliminate pain and inflammation. This type of treatment works very well for someone who has chronic pain or soft tissue strain of the spine or extremities.
Ultrasound treatment is not the same as a diagnostic ultrasound they perform on pregnant patients to view the baby. Ultrasound treatment uses sound waves to increase the blood flow into damaged and painful tissues. The sound waves entering the muscle offer a massage effect by gently moving the muscles back and forth. For injuries that are fairly recent, this type of treatment can help to lessen scar tissue in the body. The sound waves offer stimulation for cell and tissue repair. Rehabilitation therapy in Lexington, KY offers many non-invasive treatments for the treatment and elimination of pain.
Interferential therapy is a mid-frequency electrical signal to alleviate strains and muscle spasms. This type of treatment can be combined with alternating with massage and chiropractic care. Healing the body from damage to muscle, nerve, or joint is a much better alternative than continuing to take pain medication and muscle relaxers without fixing the pain. Elswick Chiropractic & Associates offer the rehabilitative services needed to eliminate and reduce pain without the use of medication.