How Men Can Benefit From Getting a Massage on a Regular Basis

by | Aug 14, 2019 | Health

Many women faithfully schedule a massage every month. However, men are less likely to get a massage on a regular basis. It is a good idea for men to get a monthly massage. There are several health benefits of massage for men.

Workout Recovery

Men who work out on a regular basis definitely need to schedule a massage. A massage can prevent you from developing delayed onset muscle soreness. It can also improve immune system functioning. Additionally, a massage can improve your athletic performance.

Treat Constipation

If you are frequently constipated, then you can get relief by getting a massage on a regular basis. There was a study done that examined two groups who were suffering from constipation. One group received an abdominal massage and took laxatives. The other group only took laxatives. The results of the study showed that the people who took laxatives and received a massage had less abdominal pain and gastrointestinal symptoms.

Mood Boost

Men are much less likely to get help when they are feeling sad. However, improved mood is one of the health benefits of massage for men. Studies have shown that a massage can boost serotonin. This can improve mood and mental health.

Fight Off Sickness

You may be able to fight off sickness by getting a massage. Studies have shown that a massage can increase the number of lymphocytes that one has in their body. These are the white blood cells that fight off infection.

Improve Cardiovascular Wellness

A massage is great for your heart. A massage can help lower cortisol levels. Cortisol is a hormone that can put a strain on your heart. A massage can help you relax and lower your cortisol level. This will take the strain off of your heart. A massage can also lower your blood pressure.

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