Getting a massage can relax you, ease the stiffness out of your muscles and help you sleep better at night. Before you book an appointment for massage therapy in New York, though, here are a few do’s and don’ts to remember.
Do: Say what you want
No matter how experienced your therapist is, he or she won’t know what’s on your mind. If you find the pressure too soft or too hard, then say so. Let her know. Your therapist will be happy to adjust the pressure so you’ll enjoy the experience more.
Don’t tense up
While the treatment is enjoyable, you can expect a few moments of discomfort, especially when your masseuse needs to work on a few of the knotted-up muscles in your back. Don’t freeze up because that’s only going to make the discomfort worse. Breathe through those moments instead.
Do: Get an expert masseuse
Before you schedule your appointment, find a skilled therapist to perform the massage therapy in New York. Get referrals from friends and family to pinpoint you in the right direction. With a talented expert to work out the kinks in your muscles, you’ll step out of the spa, happy and well-satisfied.
Don’t be late
Spas often book clients in advance. If you’re late to your appointment and someone’s already lined up for the next hour, you might not get the full hour you requested. You might also need to pay for the full amount. If you want to make the most out of your time at the spa, get there on right or a few minutes early.
Don’t be shy
Therapists are pros. They don’t care if you’re stripping down to your birthday suit, the Women’s Health Magazine says, so you shouldn’t mind as well. Enjoy the massage without any worries and you’ll get the best experience possible.